
Try the free plan to get started using Noodes. Upgrade your account and get access to more resources.




Good for everyday work and great projects.

Create 1.000 items
Create 10 projects
Have 5 levels
Upload 50.00 MB of files
Add 10 users to projects
Define 10 node types per project
Register for free


39€ per year

or 3,95€ per month

Good for awesome projects in a great team.

Create 10.000 items
Create 100 projects
Have 10 levels
Upload 1.00 GB of files
Add 10 users to projects
Define 15 node types per project




Good for grandiose projects and an awesome team.

Create unlimited items
Create unlimited projects
Have 100 levels
Upload 100.00 GB of files
Add unlimited users to projects
Define unlimited node types per project
Not yet available

Items can be tasks, notes, links or your own customized items. All prices are including 19% German VAT